If you want to enhance your customer experience, you must be able to approach and modify the customer journey you provide when a consumer collaborate with your company. Customer journeys can take many different forms, whether they are wholly online, offline, or both.

When you have a thorough grip of the customer journey, you are better equipped to recognise and position consumer concerns and replicate what is working. You can improve your consumers’ overall experience by doing this, which will lead to more significant business outcomes.

Customer journey mapping is the practice of identifying the possible customer journeys your audience may take. This is part of the overall customer journey management that you practice.

Why Conduct Customer Journey Mapping Research?

What’s wrong with establishing an assumption map using stakeholder feedback and skipping the research phase?

A realistic, comprehensive vision is difficult to develop because stakeholders have helpful knowledge about different aspects of the customer journey. Still, they don’t have a broad enough view of the customer journey or a deep enough understanding of consumers’ demands at each stage.

Two risk factors are at play in a route based solely on assumptions:

  • It is more likely to be dismissed as “anecdotal” than a powerful tool for driving change.
  • There is a very high risk that team members will make decisions based on an erroneous map, changing the experience (for better or worse).

Step By Step Process Of Conducting Research For Customer Journey Mapping

1. Establish Precise Objectives For The Map

Before you begin designing your map, ask yourself why you need one in the first place. What do you hope to attain with this map? What or who is the focus of this story? What kind of experience do you have?

You may want to use this information to develop a buyer persona. All of their demographics and psychographics are fake to represent your typical customer. Having a distinct client persona serves as a great reminder to keep your customer journey map centred around them.

2. Describe Your Personas And Outline Their Goals

The next step is to do some detailed research. Questionnaires and user testing are excellent methods for obtaining insightful feedback from your customers. It’s critical to communicate with only current or potential clients.

You want feedback from individuals who are genuinely interested in purchasing your products and services and who have previously or are planning to interact with your firm.

What are some questions to ask?

  • How did you find out about our product or business?
  • What drew you to our website initially?
  • What are your objectives for working with our organisation?
  • What issues are you attempting to resolve?

You may use this buyer persona tool to fill in the details if you’ve gathered client feedback.

3. Highlight The Personas Of Your Ideal Customers

Focus on one or two specific client personas after learning about the many types of customers who connect with your organisation. It’s important to remember that a customer journey map only monitors one customer’s experience at a time. A customer journey map that includes too many personas will not accurately represent the customer’s experience.

It’s always a great idea to pick your most famous client profile and think about customers’ normal path when they first interact with your organisation. Using a dashboard for comparison, you can evaluate which is the greatest fit for your travel map based on your data. Plus, you can quickly go back and add more kinds of customers later.

4. Describe Each Touchpoint

When a customer interacts with you on your website, it’s referred to as a touchpoint. All the touchpoints that your clients and prospects use now and those you believe they should use, assuming there is no overlap in your study, should be listed out.

These are the actions your customers are taking that you can gain insight into when constructing a customer journey map. The more touchpoints a visitor uses, the more likely they are to abandon your site before it has a chance to engage them. Is it a sign that your website is challenging to navigate and requires multiple steps before reaching its intended destination if users take longer than planned to complete tasks?

When it comes to customer journeys, knowing the different touchpoints and how they affect each other is beneficial.

5. Identify The Resources You Possess And Those You Need

Your client journey map will impact almost every aspect of your organisation. In this way, all of the resources that go into generating a positive client experience will be highlighted. Take a look at your current resources and the ones you’ll need in order to improve the customer experience.

It’s possible that you’ll discover that your team lacks the resources necessary to properly follow up with clients after a service interaction while using your map. Use your map to recommend that management invest in customer service solutions that will assist your team manage demand.

6. Walk The Customer’s Path Yourself

Creating a map is only the beginning of the process. It would be best if you analysed your findings before moving on to the next step. Do you know the number of users that log on to your site but then leave before making a transaction? What can you do to serve your clients better? When you’ve completed your map, you should be able to answer the following questions.

Understanding your customers’ wants through data analysis is a great way to enhance your company’s bottom line. To guarantee that you are giving a valuable experience and making it clear that consumers may discover solutions to their problems with your company’s support, you might take the following approach:

When it comes to mapping the customer journey, it’s all theoretical until you put it to the test and see what happens.

7. Make The Required Modifications

Your data analysis should offer you an idea of what your website should look like. After that, you’ll be able to make the necessary adjustments to your website in order to meet these objectives. Perhaps this is a matter of making clearer call-to-action links. Another option is to provide more detailed information about each item’s function in the description.

It doesn’t matter how small the adjustments are; they’ll have an impact because they’re linked to the problems customers identified. This way, you won’t have to gamble on whether or not your adjustments would have the desired effect. Customers have specific demands and pain spots, which can be handled using a visual customer journey map.


The more you know about your different customers, the more you can please them at every step of the purchasing process. Your company’s customer touchpoints and processes might also play a role in the customer’s experience.

This data is best visualised using a customer journey map when you’re trying to improve the customer experience or uncover new business opportunities to meet previously unmet customer needs.